Nothing beckons quite like the cool, shimmering waters of your backyard pool on a hot summer afternoon in Georgia. Whether you already enjoy a pool or are considering getting one installed, understanding the laws that come with having one is crucial. Discover how selecting a Douglas, GA pool fence from the pros at Dixie Fence Company can align with these essential safety regulations. 


You prioritize your children’s safety, and installing a fence around your pool area is a crucial measure to safeguard them from accidents. As a leading Georgia fence company, we’re dedicated to assisting you in meeting all regulations and ensuring you select the perfect fence for your unique situation.

Saving Lives With Pool Safety Requirements in Georgia

In Georgia, private pool owners must create a gate/fence barrier around their pools to ensure the safety of children and guests. Pool fences in Georgia must be a minimum of 4 feet in height, and if the pool is not taller than that minimum, a gate latch must be installed within 6 inches from the top of the fence. Georgia safety standards require that pool gates be self-closing and latching, with latches installed no lower than 4 feet above ground.

Is a Pool Fence Required if I Already Have a Privacy Fence?

In the state of Georgia, if your home has a boundary fence around the property that meets the qualifications for a pool fence, you do not need to buy additional fencing to put around the pool. However, if the fence going into the yard is not lockable or does not meet the fence requirements, you will have to have a separate fence installed.

What are the Requirements of a Pool Barrier or Fence?

Fencing around any pool is incredibly important and typically required by state law. Georgia used to govern pool fencing at the state level, but that changed in 2009 when control of pool fencing was handed over to local governments. 


Generally, most municipal and county governments require that all pools that are more than two feet deep be contained within a lockable fence that is at least 4 feet high. In these cases, split rail fences do not qualify as an acceptable fence type. Municipalities may also have other requirements, including equipping home doors with alarms if they lead directly onto a raised deck surrounding an above-ground pool area.

Tips for Making Your Pool Safe

Although a fence is an excellent start, you must take additional steps to protect your children and other young family members and friends. Here are a few suggestions on what you can do:


  • Swimming Lessons – Water safety lessons can reduce the risk of accidental childhood drowning by 88%. Even children as young as 1-year-old can benefit from swimming lessons. When a young child is comfortable and learns how to be safe in the water, it can help prevent accidental drowning.
  • Get a Pool Cover – If your children can walk across the pool without falling in, that can be a potential lifesaver.
  • Don’t Allow Access Without Supervision—Constant, focused supervision is imperative when your child is in or near a pool or any body of water.

What’s Your Liability?

It’s important to note that you can be held liable for accidental injuries or death if you do not follow the regulations and laws on swimming pool safety.  Always check with your homeowner’s insurance carrier to ensure you are protected. In addition, if your pool barrier doesn’t meet the safety standards and you are trying to sell your house, it may come under scrutiny and delay the closing when a house inspection is performed.

Douglas, GA Pool Fence Options

When considering swimming pool fence options, your primary consideration must be safety and security, but that does not mean you need to sacrifice appearance. As a top-rated Georgia fence company, Dixie Fence Company offers a number of great pool fencing options.  

Aluminum Pool Fencing

Aluminum fencing is an excellent choice for a pool fence, providing classic elegance and minimal upkeep. Though it doesn’t provide privacy, it offers maximum safety and security. Its versatility is a benefit as we offer various of styles, finishes, and accessories, allowing customization to enhance your pool area and elevate property value and aesthetics.

Wood Pool Fencing

The natural beauty of a wood fence makes it a charming option for your pool fence. It is easily adaptable with stains or paints and complements any outdoor setting. However, since wood and water don’t mix well, regular sealing and staining are imperative to shield the fence from weather elements and pool-related splashes. If you prefer minimal upkeep, wood fencing might not be the most suitable option.

Vinyl Pool Fencing

Regardless of your pool’s size, vinyl presents a cost-effective way to enhance the beauty, privacy, and security of your swimming pool area. Vinyl fencing is virtually maintenance-free, durable, and resistant to cracking and fading. It comes in a range of sizes and colors to suit your preferences and home’s aesthetic.

Chain Link Pool Fencing

Another alternative for a Douglas, GA pool fence is chain-link fencing. Homeowners in Georgia seeking a reliable and economical solution will find chain-link fencing a great choice. Available in traditional galvanized steel and PVC-coated variants, chain-link fencing can also incorporate colored slats within the openings to enhance privacy.

When installed by the professionals at Dixie Fence Company, a pool fence can last a long time and be just what you need! The best way to know is to do a little research and then talk to our friendly staff, who can give you our recommendation based on our experience in Douglas and the surrounding areas.

Dixie Fence Company Can Help with Your New Douglas, GA Pool Fence! 

If you are having a pool installed and want to ensure that your pool fence meets safety requirements, Dixie Fence Company is here to help! We’re a reputable Georgia fence company and will ensure that your pool fence protects your family, pets, and guests. Whatever your pool fencing needs are, we can help! 


Reach our friendly, professional staff today by calling (912) 384-8455 or contacting us through our website. We’re here to answer all your questions and assist you with your fencing needs!